Greg LehmanComment

"Indian Horse" by Richard Wagamese

I started the book and wrote this review with an eye on current events, seeking a worthwhile mediation on the sadness and endurance of injustice that is part and parcel of history.

Greg LehmanComment
"Indian Horse" by Richard Wagamese
Greg LehmanComment

"The Spirit of Science Fiction" by Roberto Bolaño

A better-fitting coda is hard to imagine, as unnerving and courageous as anything else Bolaño would produce into an end that came far too soon.

Greg LehmanComment
"The Spirit of Science Fiction" by Roberto Bolaño
Greg LehmanComment

"Good to Go" by Christie Aschwanden

(Aschwanden) sidesteps what a lesser writer could have compiled as a laundry list of warnings. Instead, Go is a pleasure, and not a few times laugh-out-loud funny. Aschwanden’s critical eye slices through reams of bad copy and breathless promises one finds in the athletic industry, from the vague to coercive to the blatantly false.

Greg LehmanComment
"Good to Go" by Christie Aschwanden