Snow Canyon w/ Jared & Dave, May 4, 2022
Easily one of my favorite runs ever.
Time spent with some of my favorite people in new favorite places are the best times I can have, many hugs and much, much appreciation to Jared, Dave, Lindsay, and Kristen for making this journey happen.
I’ve celebrated “Star Wars” day in many different ways, but this was an exceptional and pretty perfect way to get the most out of a day that, in my view, elevates friendship and adventure.
My knee was definitely out of sorts at the end of this run, so another extended break was in order afterwards, especially with my next race, Carlsbad 5k on May 22nd, coming up much sooner than later.
I will come back here someday, and already have Red Mountain 55k on my radar as a strong and desirable possibility for 2023.
If there’s any way you can get to this trail, do it!